Color Theory

Color Matters

The colors you wear can either complement or clash with your 'natural color'. Harmonious colors enhance your natural beauty and make you appear energetic and healthy while unfitting colors draw attention to flaws like wrinkles or blemishes and cause you to look weary or washed-out.

Color Analysis defines your 'natural color' based on the color of your complexion, eyes, and hair. The result establishes your Color Code, either Soft, Warm, Deep, Clear, Light, or Cool.

Developing a strategy for your wardrobe based on color relationships is going to look and feel more attractive and well-balanced than a color scheme created with no regard.

Color is both art and science. In determining the best colors for your Color Code, we use three basic principles; the color wheel, color harmony, and color perspective - how colors appear in relation to other colors.

Reviving your wardrobe with colors from your Color Code will revolutionize the way you match up your outfits and accessories. Deciding 'what to wear' will be simple, effortless, and rewarding. And you'll avoid costly mistakes by passing on pieces that are not becoming.

So be careful when you're shopping for clothes. If you're trying to mix and match with something you already have in your closet, bring that piece or the pieces with you. Or, just mix and match easily with your Color Swatches.

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